Pointing CNAME isn't working

I’m trying to point a CNAME from my domain to my recently created site. I don’t want to mess with DNS servers because I have other sites hosted.
Whenever I try to point the CNAME I get the following error message:

Domain blog.pplupo.com CNAME must be pointed to scisweng.000webhostapp.com

I have already checked and the CNAME has been somewhat propagated. At least the google DNS servers ( already picked it up.

Something is working and something isn’t working.

Does the second last post by Jesus assist at all?

Unfortunately I can’t see the same options shown to him because he parked his domain too. I just want to point the CNAME.

And I’m not the only one having the same problem:

None of these are getting the problem fixed. What is going on?


Another one with the very same issue:

BTW, my CNAME has propagated fully except by somewhere in Denmark. That is NOT the issue. I insist there is an issue with this feature on 000webhost service!

Click here and check yourself:

3 days have passed, this is still not working. It’s clearly not a propagation problem.
I’ll have to try another host, I suppose. I can’t open a ticket either.


Community forum is here for anyone to help unfortunately there is no free support/ticket support etc on the free hosting only the premium.

Yeah, unfortunately that’s not what I remember reading in the front page. But it’s ok, I understand. It’s just that it’s frustrating. They offer the CNAME feature, they explain how to do so and I can’t find a way to tell them that they have a technical issue.

@martynas000 might be able to advise not sure

I am having the EXACT same problem. It is extremely frustrating!

What is your site?

www.christophermedeiros.com and my domain is with Google.
I just went to dns checker and it is showing that it has propogated correctly everywhere but yet this hosting site continues to give me an error message.

You need to set to ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com directly else the system won’t detect it.

I will try that and thank you for the advice. However, I was following the instructions posted on this site that clearly and with BOLD letters states that the NS are only to be changed if you are parking your site and goes on to say that ‘pointing’ is the prefered method and if you point the site, DO NOT CHANGE the NS.

These are the copied instructions:
Point domain

Requirement is to add CNAME record which points to your website on 000webhost cloud. **Do not change nameservers. You will have full control of your domain DNS zone. Depending on where your domain is currently reg**istered the instructions to set CNAME record may be different. Here is the list of tutorials:

This is really frustrating. Neither the 000webhost gives an option to host my subdomain by configuring to the name servers of my subdomain to 000webhost with Park domain option, nor the configuring CNAME is working with Point domain option. I can’t set name servers of my SLD to 000webhost for the same reasons as pplupo and others have. 000webhost will not provide me complete control of DNS Zone file of my SLD.

Three days and no one from 000webhost is looking whether their services are working fine.

I have configured CNAME records of my subdomain tech.infopreview.com to point to vipin-tech.000webhostapp.com It is visible to everyone…

but 000webhost servers are not able to see it and giving the error…

If 000webhost can’t provide the hosting of a subdomain without setting name servers of their Second-Level-Domain, Why is 000webhost showcasing that they provide service like Point Domain with CNAME option?

I feel like I have wasted my time and effort to try services with 000webhost.

I own


Pointed it to ns01.000webhost.com and ns02.000webhost.com

I then setup forums.domainxyz.com and put that within my control panel at 000webhost.com

Now I can visit domainxyz.com and it loads my content on 000webhost.com

If I visit forums.domainxyz.com it also loads my content from 000webhost.com

I own


Set my cname to DOMAINPOA.000webhostapp.com

I then rechecked within 000webhost control panel and confirmed it, now my content loads from my 000webhost account when visiting domainpao.com

I then created members.domainpoa.com and it loads the content from domainpoa.com/members

Yes, but you had to park your domain here on 000wh. We can’t or don’t want to do that and we should be able to, specially since it’s explicitely written down that we don’t have to.

Does this help anyone

It doesn’t because this solution requires the domain to be parked, which is what we don’t want to do.

What about pointing it just to link it then restoring it back to your original nameservers?


Hi Infinity,

Edit: I’ve removed the following it as DNS SOA is not good

I don’t want to publish this workaround as I’m not sure it’s ok for 000webhost.

This is what I’ve done:

  • At Gandi, I’ve pointed the domain DNS nameservers to the 000webhost ones

With 000webhost Cpanel:

Here how it looks:

At Gandi:

  • I’ve restored Gandi DNS nameservers
  • I’ve restored the original Gandi DNS zone with CNAME for www1 (maybe I should change it to a NS record to delegate the subdomain properly to 000webhost?)

All DNS updates were very fast so I was able to shutdown attached Gandi services for only a few minutes.

Not sure it’s clean/safe. What do you think about it?

P.S. I’ve also created a separate test-170113 to monitor when the CNAME functionnality will be fixed. I’ll delete it when not needed anymore.[/quote]